Building the base


building the base

Building the Base guides young athletes through age appropriate workouts that will prepare them for the next level of competition. It provides a blueprint to safely lay the foundation on which to build a balanced young athlete. When we create a stronger more physically aware person, we create a better athlete. Jim Bompensa outlines the importance of proper training styles at proper life stages and prepares young athletes to control their changing bodies while training and competing. He discusses strategies for maintaining the interest of young athletes, creating a muscularly balanced body, and developing a well rounded training program. This book includes techniques like body weight training, agility training, plyometric training, suspension training, core stabilization, balance training, body control drills, and flexibility training. The book culminates with a template to bring it all together in a well thought out progressive workout plan that promotes increased muscular balance and better body awareness. It helps athletes prepare to safely hit the ground running and gain maximum benefit from training at their next level.

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